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Helpful Links

For Teachers and Students

This is a few key websites that I use when planning as a teacher and some I guide students towards when they need some extra help. Feel free to explore these and apply them to your learning and instruction.

Ambitious Science Teaching

Many of our students have much to share, but getting them to share can be the hard part. AST (Ambitious Science Teaching) is a great resource for teachers when planning lessons that involve discussion and idea sharing.

PhET Simulations

PhET (Physical Education Technology) Simulations are an excellent way to allow students and teachers to explore scientific phenomena that can be difficult to replicate or see in real life.


Padlet is best used for teachers or student groups trying to collaborate on projects or on going discussions. Think of it as a virtual table top that never ends!

Khan Academy

Has a student ever missed an important lesson or maybe just need to revisit some content that is complicated and confusing? Khan Academy has practice quizzes, notes, and videos for students that cover everything from chemistry to macroeconomics.

Bozeman Science

Bozeman Science specializes in high school level science, including common AP science courses. The person making the videos is none other than 2011 Montana teacher of the year Paul Andersen. This is great for students wanting to review topics, especially before the national College Board AP exams.

American Modeling Teachers Association

For teachers who feel they are talking too much and their students are doing too little, the AMTA (American Modeling Teachers Association) is perfect way to bring life back into the science classroom. The AMTA focuses on having the students learning science like scientists; by doing experiments, collecting data, and making conclusions.

National Science Teachers Association

The National Science Teachers Association provides tons of resources for teachers. These include lesson plans, books, and information about teacher conferences. The part I find the most useful is the activities the website provides that are directly aligned to specific Next Generation Science Standards.

Periodic Videos

If you show these periodically, this can turn into quite a pun filled website. This site contains a periodic table of 118 elements and each element contains a video that ranges from 5-10 minutes. These videos would be great for teachers to show their classes or for students who are just plain interested in some elemental chemistry.

Understanding Science

With the increase of information students must seemingly know in order to do well on tests, we sometimes forget that science is not just a bunch of dead facts, but it is a living and breathing practice. This is for teachers looking for ways to remind students that science is a way of thinking, not just inanimate certainty.

Flinn Scientific

Flinn Scientific is the place to go for teachers looking for high quality scientific supplies and resources. I use them primarily as a laboratory chemical supplier, but they offer many different kinds of scientific equipment and activities.

Educational Science Games

Shout out to the STEM club for girls at Fullers Library for introducing me to this link! This is a great resource for both students and teachers to explore complex science topics in a fun and approachable way. The best learning happens through play! 

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