My Work
Just the Important Stuff
Putting this compilation together forced me to think about the biggest "takeaways" I got from the P-12 School and Post-Secondary Leadership program from Michigan State University and how some of my philosophies have changed throughout. I hope this gives you a glimpse into my growth.
Annotated Transcript
Graduate Courses
I received my master's degree in leadership in education by taking eleven courses that changed the way I think about education in my current role and potential future roles.
Master's Work
Don't let the subtitle fool you. I, by no means, consider myself a master of education as I still feel I have much to learn, but after all of the work I did within my graduate program, Michigan State University awarded me a Master of Arts in Education degree.
Thoughts on Paper
When progressing through Michigan State University's Master of Arts in Education Degree program, slowing down and reflecting on where I started, where I am, and where I want to go next is necessary to maximize the benefit of my experiences as well as my future progress.